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What is the cost of your oil?

What is the cost of your oil?

There is a song by CeCe Winans called “Alabaster Box.” It is a beautiful song with a heart of emotion and a cry of desperation. It is powerful, to say the least, and one of my favorite songs.

I recently read the story again of the woman and her “Alabaster Box” in the bible. It is a beautiful story of vulnerability, humility and redemption. In the book of Luke, chapter 7, starting in verse 37, begins her story.

She had a reputation on the streets of her neighborhood as an immoral person. Some believed her to be a prostitute. But we also find in this story a man, who was a religious leader named Simon. Simon had invited Jesus to dinner at his home and Jesus had accepted. The woman heard that Jesus was at Simon’s home and was compelled to go to Jesus. She took her box of alabaster and filled it with a costly perfume and went to Simon’s house. When she got there, she walked right in and knelt down behind Jesus at his feet. She began weeping, shedding tears over his feet. As she wept her tears poured out of her all over his feet. She then dried his feet with her long hair. Over and over again, she kissed his feet and then took her alabaster box and anointed his feet with the costly perfume in an act of worship.

In Luke 7:39, Simon, the owner of the house and religious leader, couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He thought to himself, “This man can’t be a true prophet. If he was, then he would know how sinful this woman was and wouldn’t want her touching him.” But Jesus knew why she had come and quickly answered Simon’s thoughts. Jesus told Simon he had a word for him and began telling Simon a story.

Jesus began his story with two men that owed the bank a lot of money. One man owed one thousand dollars and the other man owed ten thousand dollars. Neither of these men could pay back their debts and the banker knew this. The banker was so gracious that he forgave and wrote off their debts. Jesus asked Simon, “Which one of the two debtors do you think was most thankful?” “Which one would love the banker the most?”(Luke 7:41-42). Simon responded, “I suppose the one that owed the most.” Jesus answered, “You are right.”(Luke 7:43-44).

Jesus then said to Simon concerning the woman still kneeling at his feet, “She is doing for me what you didn’t bother to do. When I entered your home as your guest, you didn’t offer me anything to wash the dust off my feet. You didn’t give me a customary kiss of greetings. But she has not stopped kissing my feet since I have been here, washing my feet with her many tears and then drying them with her hair. You haven’t anointed my head with oil, but she anointed my head and my feet with the finest perfume. She has been forgiven of all her many sins. This is why she has shown me such extravagant love. But those who assume they have very little to be forgiven will love me very little.” Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith in me has saved you. Go in peace.” (Luke 7:45-50 NKJV).

When I read this story again I questioned why she stood behind Jesus and knelt down. I believe she felt ashamed. Shame can be paralyzing, causing a person to hide away, keeping one from rescue. But I think she was desperate. I could see her frantically filling her alabaster box with the expensive perfume, spilling a little of it, and rushing out the door to see the only one who could save her. The only one she thought would understand her. I bet it was hard for her to walk into a religious leader’s home; knowing that she wouldn’t be welcomed there. It was a huge risk for her. But Jesus did not judge her, even though many had. I am sure she knew what people said about her. But at that moment, it didn’t matter what they said. Because Jesus did not condemn her. She worshiped him by pouring out what she had, the perfume from her alabaster box, her brokenness, in spite of her shame, and because of it.

Have you ever been that desperate? Have you ever felt like you reached a point of no return? That you can’t go back to the way things were? But you just didn’t know how to move forward? We each have our own story, but Jesus knows the cost of the oil in our box and how much we spent on it. And He still loves us in spite of what we’ve done. He wants to redeem what we’ve lost, heal our broken heart and show us a love that will change everything.

I pray these words today will give you hope and peace. That they will speak to those deep crevices of your mind that have been telling you that you are not good enough or you’ve gone to far. Or that you aren’t worthy of His love. None of us are worthy, but Jesus came anyway. Those two debtors in the story could not pay what they owed, and yet, their debt was forgiven, wiped clean, and forgotten. But they had to go to the banker and ask for help. And the banker was gracious, understanding and forgiving. God knows your story and He knows the cost of your oil. And He loves you so much that He gave you His one and only Son, Jesus. I hope you feel surrounded by His presence and enveloped in His love today. Won’t you come to Jesus? He is waiting for you. Don’t be afraid. You have nothing to lose.

Traci Allmond headshot

Written by Traci

Designer | Writer | Blogger

His light broke through the darkness and He led us out in freedom from death’s dark shadow and snapped every one of our chains.
– Psalms 107:14

The Passion Translation

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