What a night that must have been for Mary and Joseph. There was a star shining bright in the sky that night leading the way to a child who would become the Savior of the world. Many saw the star enveloping the midnight sky, but for some, they had no idea what was happening in the small town of Bethlehem. But in that moment Mary and Joseph knew the world would change forever.
One of my favorite movies is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I watch it every Christmas. But this year I have a new perspective. I guess because God is always working in my heart and each time I watch it, it changes. It is about a man that lives his life for the help and care of others in his hometown. He ends up giving up on his dreams of traveling the world to stay at home to run a savings and loan that will help many where he grew up. He sacrifices everything he has and still seems to come up short time and time again. Something happens in the story that seems to costs him everything and not only is he affected by it, but everyone around will suffer and it sends him down a path of agony, loss, fear, but most of all, redemption.
He comes to a point where he realizes the magnitude of what is happening that he tries to take his own life. But God is watching. What does God do, He sends an angel to his side to rescue him. The angel prevents the man, George Bailey, from taking his own life. But then George makes a statement that would change his view of his life forever. He wishes he had never been born. And so as the story goes, his wish is granted. He has the rare opportunity to know what the world would be like without him in it; without him ever being born. But what he ends up realizing is that his life had purpose and meaning and he was loved by many, including God.
Sometimes we go through horrific things that cause us to question why we are here. It might be something we’ve done that hurt the ones we love. Or it could be something that is done to us and is out of our control. So we reach a place where we too wish we were never born. Or we think if we just take ourselves out of the problem it will be better or we believe the lie that we are the problem. But what if we had the chance to see what this life would be like if we weren’t a part of it? Would it be better if we weren’t here?
Jesus came for a purpose. He chose to come. His reason… He came for us. He came to save the world from sin. “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21 NKJV) We sometimes think if we had never been born that everyone would be better off without us. But what if Jesus was never born. What would this world look like today? That is something that I care not to ever know. But for some, they don’t know the purpose or even more, the love of our Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ.
George Bailey gave up his plans or dreams to help his fellow man. He sacrificed everything and lost it all, but was redeemed. Who redeemed him? God did. God worked through the love and kindness of his fellow man. His family, friends and all the town people that he helped all his life stepped up to help save him from ruin. And that is what Christ did for us on the cross. He left His deity in heaven and came to this earth, became flesh, like you and I, but gave up His life so you and I could be with Him in Heaven forever. But He also came so that we could have a good life, an abundant life; a life with a purpose. He came to heal the sick and brokenhearted. “For God so loved the world, that He gave us His Only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, would have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NKJV) The thief does not come accept to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10 NKJV) “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
God has a plan for you and for me. He has a purpose for each and everyone of us. The main reason He came was to restore us back to God, the Father. He came to set us free from sin and the condemnation that comes from the enemy of God. He came to show His mercy and kindness to all who would receive it. He gives us grace when we don’t deserve it and He loves us beyond any measure we could fathom because His love is endless. And He came to give our lives purpose. We cannot begin to fully comprehend the length, the depth, the height of God’s love for us, but one thing I know is that God pulls out all the stops, so to speak, to make sure we know He loves us. He gave us His Spirit to draw us to Him. He sent Jesus, His Son, into the world to show us how much He loves us; to save us from sin and death. He wants us to feel His mercy and compassion. He wants us to know He hurts when we hurt. You may find it hard to see God like this, but He understands that as well. But He will not give up on you.
So if this rings true to you, don’t give up! Give Jesus a chance to show you a new way. Jesus says, “I am the Way, The Truth and The Life. (John 14:6 NKJV) He has a way that will change everything in your life. His truth will be your guide through the light of day and the darkest of night. And the life He brings to you will set your feet on a new path and He will provide directions. And Jesus will be with you every step of the way. And why? Simply because He loves you. Jesus loves you! And because of love, He came for you.