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I am so thankful you found your way here. The words found throughout this site are meant to bring you hope. To give you a peace that just doesn’t make sense. To build you up in your faith and assure you of God’s love and compassion. I want you to know God sees you. He wants to have a relationship with you. Not just an acquaintance on a superficial level, but a relationship that will change you from within. I pray you find peace and hope in this place. That you will be encouraged to push forward and get to know Him through the words He gives me to share. This is a blessing for me to give to you; a gift from above. Inspirations a little birdie told me.

Grand Teton National Park

A fresh word for this morning…

Our Reflection in the Sun

Our Reflection in the Sun

Do you remember when you were a kid and you discovered your shadow in the sun? It was exciting to see your shadow on the ground as you were playing. Every time you moved, your shadow moved with you. It was funny because no matter where you went it followed you. Life...

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Breaking in new Boots!

Breaking in new Boots!

Trying something new is like breaking in a new pair of boots. At first, the leather is stiff. Breaking them in might even be alittle painful. But the more you wear them or walk in them, they soften; become more comfortable. They mold to your feet and make it easier to...

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I'm praying for you!

If you are here and struggling, or maybe you just need a friend. Please know, I am praying for you, your journey, and for your surrender to Christ. If you want to connect you’re welcome to email me.

Table for Two

Have you ever been invited to dinner by someone special? He or she made all the preparations for the evening. The table was set with white china and flowers. The room was lit with soft candle lights. Or maybe the table is arranged outside on the porch with an open...

Think on this…

"Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust Him along the way, you'll find He pulled it off perfectly." Psalms 37:5 The Passion Translation

On this night a Savior is Born… O Holy Night…

What a night that must have been for Mary and Joseph. There was a star shining bright in the sky that night leading the way to a child who would become the Savior of the world. Many saw the star enveloping the midnight sky, but for some, they had no idea what was...

You are important

There is a specific space in time that was cut out just for you. No one else can occupy this place. It was reserved just for you. If you don't fill it, there is a loss and the gift of you will be missed. That's how important you are.

Our Reflection in the Sun

Do you remember when you were a kid and you discovered your shadow in the sun? It was exciting to see your shadow on the ground as you were playing. Every time you moved, your shadow moved with you. It was funny because no matter where you went it followed you. Life...