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Standing on the Edge

Standing on the Edge

Have you ever stood on the edge of a cliff? You stood there, overlooking the view in front of you. What was your first thought? Were you afraid of falling? A lot of people are terrified of heights. I feel like I could be pulled over the edge at any minute. It is probably one of my biggest fears. I don’t know if it’s a mental thing because it sure feels physical! But maybe it is both.

The Lord has put me on the edge of cliffs a lot in my life. At least, it sure feels that way at times. When I am challenged to do something new, make a change in my life or do something He has asked of me, I see my inadequacies rushing to the surface. And I will admit that is terrifying for me.

Think about the Apostle Peter from the bible. He loved the Lord and was one of the strongest disciples of Jesus. But he was also human in every way. Stubborn and full of pride; it got him into trouble a few times. He was nicknamed “The Rock” by Jesus himself. (Mark 3:16 The Passion Translation) There is an instance where Jesus was walking on the water and Peter called out to the Lord, “If it’s really you Lord, then have me join you on the water!” Jesus said, “Come and join me.” (Matthew 14:28-29 TPT) So he did just that. Peter climbed out of the boat and began to walk on the water towards Jesus. But when Peter realized how high the waves were and took his eyes off Jesus, he became frightened and started to sink. He shouted, “Save me, Lord.” (Matthew 14:30 TPT)

I think this is how it is for us sometimes. God puts us in situations that stretch us beyond our human capacity to understand His plan for us. It requires total dependence on Him because we may lack vision or natural abilities to accomplish what He has for us. We take our eyes off of Him at that point and begin to sink. Sink into doubt and fear. It cripples us and stops us from moving forward. I think that is why “the cliff” has it place. It is symbolic of our reliance on God; the one who called us there. We can’t walk on water, but we sure can stand on the edge of a cliff and know the magnitude of its vulnerability.

Why a Cliff? Well, imagine being on the very edge where you can’t turn the slightest to the right or left. And as you try to adjust your stance rocks start breaking under your feet and falling beneath you. Your breath becomes shallow and you think, “I’ve got to get out of here.” But what if you can’t go back the way you came? What option do you have? There seems to be only one! Going forward is it! And that requires faith. Faith to take a step forward in a direction that is absolutely impossible to you! But that is God for you, right? He will never ask you to do something He won’t give you the path and the power to do it.

When Jesus asked Peter and the rest to follow Him, do you think they knew what they were getting into? Do you think they too had a “Cliff moment”? But I am sure it was a moment that mandated complete trust in Jesus. He equipped them to do the impossible. And look at the amazing life they lived. What they lived and accomplished is in our history books. Their stories are riddled throughout the Word of God because they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Remember, the bible is written by men; inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

So if God has called you to a place of uncertainty, trust Him! He’s got you! If you are perched up on the ledge on the side of a mountain be assured He is right there with you. Don’t be afraid of your next move. You may have to jump! Remember, Peter walked on water! You might just fly!

Traci Allmond headshot

Written by Traci

Designer | Writer | Blogger

His light broke through the darkness and He led us out in freedom from death’s dark shadow and snapped every one of our chains.
– Psalms 107:14

The Passion Translation

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