Have you ever been invited to dinner by someone special? He or she made all the preparations for the evening. The table was set with white china and flowers. The room was lit with soft candle lights. Or maybe the table is arranged outside on the porch with an open fireplace shining against the moonlight. Sounds romantic doesn’t it? The table abounds with all kinds of delicious foods like perfectly cooked meats, fresh vegetables and three different kinds of desserts; each one was a favorite of yours? It’s like they knew you very well. They wanted to get your attention and spend quality time with you. They put a lot of time and effort just for you.
Well I think the Lord takes His time and puts forth much effort to spend quality time with us as well. In Psalms 23 verse 5 says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” I know the setting above sounds more like a romantic dinner for two, but what if the Lord set a table for you to dine with Him so you could get to know Him better? You see, He already knows you. What if He sets the table with gifts and blessings He has prepared just for you? He calls you to the table. He stands at the table, pulls out your chair and invites you to come to Him. But you stand in the doorway and hesitate. Why? Don’t you want to see what He has prepared for you? Maybe you don’t think you deserve His attention. Or that you not good enough, worthy of such blessings or you just don’t know if you can trust Him. Look at it like this. This is His way of engaging you and drawing you to His table, This is His way of building a relationship with you.
It really isn’t about what you deserve. None of us deserve what God so lovingly gives us. It is all about Him. It is about His perfect love for you and me. The Word of God states, “We love Him because He first loved us.” (I John 4:19) In John 3:16 it says that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Let me say that again. For God so loved you He came to save you and give you life. The blessings and the gifts on the table represent the abundance of His love for you. He wants to be the centerpiece of your life. He wants to show you His love and grace in different ways. The table is symbolic of your meeting place with Him. The food is the nourishment that His grace and hope bring into your life. The Bible says He prepares this table in the presence of your enemies. The enemy, Satan, is not invited to dine with the two of you. But he circles the table, waiting for the opportunity to sit or speak, but God forbids him to speak. You know he is there; the enemy tries to invade your thoughts but God did not give him a place setting. And If you have, God can remove his chair from the table. God wants to dine with you and you alone.
This scene reflects the relationship that Jesus desires to have with you and that is why He is pursuing you. Question is, will you come sit at His table? Don’t stand in the doorway. Have you ever heard the old saying, “in the event of an earthquake, stand in the doorway.” I always thought that was strange. But I get it. Things won’t fall on your head. Jesus is waiting for you to trust Him. Let go of your fear and the door frame, and come sit with Him, so He can show you the wonder of His love. He’s saying to you, “Come. Sit with Me.” The invitation has been delivered. Now you have to RSVP.